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  • Writer's pictureBecca

I'm ba-ack!

The past several months have been a whirl wind for me, but I am happy to say that I'm back and ready to flood the blogging scene with some read-worthy articles. I always say, "I'm not a loud person, but I have a lot to say!" I want to emphasize blogging because I feel like it's the best way to communicate with my readers my thoughts, hopes, and aspirations. A lot has happened recently, and it's about time to fill you in on what has been going on at Becca Marie Design, both on a personal level, and as a business.

This past summer I was steadily busy with clients throughout July, August, and September. I took the time to host Watermelon Minis as well as photographed many seniors. Family shoots were here and there, and I'd shoot the occasional newborn or maternity. Most importantly, I spent my summer with my kids, something that my flexible job affords me to do.

Fall and Christmas sessions went by in a blur. I began to struggle with depression and anxiety on a daily basis. If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that I need to take care of myself first. During the month of January, I began a day treatment program at The Redi Clinic in Tosa, a center for eating disorders. I've been taking it slow on the photography end, and have been focusing on my healing needs.

I'm really looking forward to this upcoming season as I prepare to swing back into full time photography. It is my pride and joy and I cannot wait to see what this year brings. I truly love my clients and desire nothing more than to provide them (you!) with a quality experience and photographs that will become heirlooms for generations to come.

I opened my own portrait studio in downtown Oconomowoc in October and have welcomed many clients through my doors to take photos of families, newborn, birthdays, maternity, seniors and more. I'm learning to love the studio and the creativity it allows me to have with lighting, props, and backgrounds. To survive as a photographer in Wisconsin, I've learned it's important to have that place indoors to work during the winter months. I will continue to use both indoor and outdoor locations throughout the year.

There is so much more that I could update you on, but you might have to sit here all day to read about it. Overall, I'm doing really well and am so glad that I've pushed through the darkest days so that I can have more days doing what I love.

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